Wednesday, May 21, 2008


The picture of cousin Ian jumping out of the plane reminded Mark of this picture of Eva skipping. She is so happy and determined in this picture - taken at Julian and Andrew's do! (click on it and it will get bigger). She really has enjoyed her time in Bristol but she is looking forward to seeing all her old friends - particularly Maddie and Gracie back in Liverpool. I have spoken to her new school teacher today and she is starting at the school in Anfield as soon as we move in June. I think she is excited about it and they seem very pleased to have her. I do hope it works out well for her as she has really enjoyed her time at Our Lady of the Rosary here in Bristol. I know she'll miss her friends and the school regime here but I think she will settle ok at her new school. If you get a moment and could pray for her and the transition that would be great. Thanks.

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