Tuesday, May 13, 2008

babies and glastonbury

Mark has sent me on some excellent pictures of the new Belfast babies - Sam and Angie. What fantastic babies they are and everyone looks so proud and made up with the beautiful bundles of joy. many blessings to both families. I am unfortunately not going to be able to get over to see them when Mark, Joe and Eva go to Belfast for half-term. I have to stay here to revise for this stupid exam. Hey ho.

Today I have been to Glastonbury on a DOCTRINE OF GOD, CHRISTIAN HOPE AND LIBERATION module day out to explore Christian expressions of faith in the town and alternative spiritualities. It was a jolly good day: I sampled some good cake, had a walk round the Abbey, got some lavender oil from a shop under the Goddess Temple, listened to the curate of St John's church talk about her experience of being a priest in the town, listened to the Goddess Temple Melissa speak about her experiences and did a spot of shopping. All in a days work for an ordinand in the Church of England!

I am trying to get an early night and sort my reading out for tomorrow. So, best get off and do that.

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