Tuesday, April 15, 2008

mission, liberation theology and cleaning

This is what I have been doing...thinking about mission, reading about liberation theology and cleaning the dirty house (my it was unclean). Now I am very tired and I still don't feel I have done enough. When will it all end? Well, I can tell you that in 8 weeks it will all be over (bar the inevitable shouting). In 8 weeks time we will be back in Liverpool unpacking boxes and panicking about the Park Palace project - and a whole new type of stress will begin. Until then I am here trying to make sense of this last essay and feeling guilty because I just can't get enough done. Hey ho.

So, I am going to post here 2 small talks which took place at the Church Mission Society (CMS) HQ Oxford at the Global Connections Thinking Mission forum on 27 February 2008. I attended this conference and these two speakers offered particularly interesting perspectives on 21st century Christian mission. The first is Paul Davies speaking about The Base Ecclesial Communities which emerged in Latin America in the 1950s and 1960s were centred on the poor, emphasized people over structures, had lay leadership, and were prophetic rather than priestly.

Paul Davies part 2

The second is Jonny Baker - 'Bath water or Baby? Must we ditch traditional church structures to do mission well?'

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