Thursday, March 06, 2008


Today is the day that I crack my Daniel essay. Really, honestly, today I decide the question, formulate the answer and write a plan as well as choose my quotations, illustrations and construct an argument. Perhaps I won't get round to actually writing it but by the end of the day I will know what I am going to write. This IS what is going to happen today - if I say it enough it will happen!

I already had a buy day - I have spoken in chapel (this year each of the final year ordinands have to do a 2 minute homily and today was my turn).There have been some excellent homily's so far and I was feeling a bit under pressure about it all. When you have two readings and a psalm to choose from for inspiration it is a challenge quite apart from the anxiety of speaking in front of your peers and tutors. No pressure then! Anyway, I was greatly blessed and gracefully I managed to present what I thought God had put on my heart. I chose a verse from the Hebrews reading: "let us consider how to provoke one another to love and good deeds". My point was that the best way to provoke love and good deeds is by doing exactly that - by being loving and doing good deeds. Employing the sweet provocation of love!

Anyway, I think it came together ok and I managed to get it all done in 2mins 14 secs so not too bad! I had to have a penguin bar after though. So, the rest of the day will be spent with Daniel. Oh joy.

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