Sunday, March 30, 2008


How did you find Earth Hour? It was very strange at our house because Saturday evening TV was dominating so to have to and all the lights turned off it was at first quite eerie. Not unpleasant - just odd! Becky was round and despite the fact Eva had a bath run she didn't get in it because she was scared of the dark. So we all sat around with the candles glowing in the living room and told stories and jokes. We really had a great time chatting - it was like the olden days!

None of us got up early enough to get to church this morning. The clocks changing always flummoxes me. Even when I don't forget (I didn't this year though the last 2 years have been a bit embarrassing as I have turned up for church late). This year I just didn't wake up. This will be a serious matter next year as I will have official duties so this really has to be the last time I mess the clock change timing up!!!!! Mark has been for a run and we are just about to have 2nd breakfast. Then a walk about the park (it is a lovely day) and that's about the plan really.

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