Friday, March 07, 2008

last day of the working week

As a lay person and seeing as I don't have a Saturday job today is the last working day of the week. So, one would expect me to be working. But things aren't going too well. I have been a bit distracted by interesting people and Welsh cakes (I was given one to eat early this morning and seeing as I have never been able to eat a Welsh cake without a cup of tea I had to spend some time out digesting and talking to fully appreciate the experience). Now I am behind and spending more time not reading about the book of Daniel. However, I did work until quite late last night and then had a dream about Daniel (oh the irony) so I feel I have made some internal spiritual progress deep down in my inner being. I am just hoping that my inner being will be willing to externalize itself at the appropriate time (i.e. when it comes to writing the essay up). I have two more commentaries to read then I am ready to construct an argument and make a plan. Best get on it then.

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