Wednesday, August 22, 2007

not winning the PR battle

Mark sent me this video today. When I watched this I felt like I am losing the PR battle - is the Christian message really this stark? I guess to some people it must be. It is like the nugget of hope and the message of redemption has been twisted to sound like a deal. I wonder how it makes you feel?

1 comment:

John H said...

I reckon the PR battle was lost sometime between 1967 and 1972. Around that point, western culture stereotyped Christians into two nice, simple categories. We are either hellfire-and-damnation preaching loonies, or ineffectual, wishy-washy irrelevancies. The former are easy to dismiss if you imagine there is no heaven or hell; the latter are only useful for comedy. I would blame it on John Lennon and Derek Nimmo if there weren't so many Christians who seem to try their level best to conform to the stereotypes.