Tuesday, August 21, 2007

getting ready for greenbelt

I haven't achieved much today in terms of sorting stuff out for Greenbelt. I have a list of food, camping stuff and bits and bobs that need getting before I leave but not one thing got crossed off today. Had a good time though. Trying to relax and not feel guilty about ignoring my PhD for a short while (the plan is to get back to it this time next week). I did go round to see Liz Hassall to chew the cud and do a bit of light shopping - we went to a Chinese supermarket type shop in St Pauls which was full of lovely stuff - oh, I did get a Greenbelt thing - noodles. Then we went back to hers and ate cake and chatted whilst Eva played with the kittens. All the young people are here - Joe, Harriet and Elise - so we are having Chinese food cooked by Mark. I am making some more cakes tonight then that's it. I need an early night so I can get up early and so Greenbelt prep.

1 comment:

bigdaddystevieB said...

hope you find time to relax and chill at greenbelt (tough call when you've got so much on etc. but....)! say hello to "mayBe", our old church communty in Oxford (Ian+Gail Adams et al) who are doing some stuff at greenbelt. Envious that you'll be seeing Billy B.... and, if you want to chill out to some slow bluesy stuff, go see Beth Rowley on Monday! big hugs x