Wednesday, January 10, 2007

To the Students of the Workers' and Peasants' Faculty

So there you sit. And how much blood was shed
That you might sit there. Do such stories bore you?
Well, don't forget that others sat before you
who later sat on people. Keep your head!
Your science will be valueless, you'll find
And learning will be sterile, if inviting
Unless you pledge your intellect to fighting
Against all enemies of all mankind.
Never forget that men like you got hurt
That you might sit here, not the other lot.
And now don't shut your eyes, and don't desert
But learn to learn, and try to learn for what.


I have been thinking about the privilege of learning. Particularly the sort of learning I am engaged with at the moment. I am tired and challenged but it is easy to take what I have here for granted.


bigdaddystevieB said...

Great Brecht quote! I spend quite a lot of my time these days working with young people in learning situations. It’s an absolute joy to watch some individuals develop and blossom and who find the whole process of learning exciting and fresh (good for old people like me too!). By the same token, it’s REALLY sad to see others who find education just a bore and a complete waste of time – it makes me want to shake them and say “wake up, there’s a beautiful exciting world out there – you should/could be part of it!”.

Anonymous said...

Hey - I'd forgotten about Brecht, o'm'gd its like a rebirth.
anyhow you've not emailed me.