Thursday, February 21, 2008

women and men

The difference is:
Women can't be Bishops...

I got an email today with the following press release from Women and the Church (WATCH). It made me feel a bit sad, but it doesn't surprise me.

"At the recent meeting of General Synod, members were told by the Chair of the
Legislative Drafting Group that it was “highly unlikely” that the vote on women
bishops would be taken by July 2010."

Thinking Anglicans covers the issue and there are some useful comments here.

It just feels like the Church of England isn't ready yet and even though that isn't really a good enough excuse I would rather the motion was truly successful at Synod than it be either rejected or just get through. I feel weak in the face of this reality and it makes me sick to think about inequality continuing. Meanwhile the (mostly) male Bishops of the world (though many aren't actually going) meet at Lambeth shortly and so many talented and capable women are still not welcome.

...and, real men "p**s against the wall"
this is quote from the sermon below...(warning it contains reference to urination)

(thanks to Dave Walker and The Real Live Preacher for the link to this.)

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