Thursday, November 29, 2007


seems to have just disappeared - puff and it has gone. It will probably be back on by tomorrow but it got me thinking about how reliant I have become on such strange communication - things that happen somewhere else and that I have no real control of. When t'internet broke in out house at the weekend it was liberating (as I have already mentioned) but it was also a bit scary. I needed to write an essay and a sermon and it would have been useful to get on-line to check a few things: I copy bible passages via t'internet, find references, look up journals, use Wikipedia (just too often for my own good) and just love to surf for mindless stuff to chill out. But I wonder if I am actually over stimulating my brain, putting too much stuff in my head and communicating in an irrational and person-less way? If I carry on using this technology I need to find a healthier way to use it. I am becoming too dependent and to be honest if I can't control the mechanism of communication I can not rely on it and so it is useless to me.

So, Youtube is down and as a result I can not access my videos or check comments that have been left - therefore it is an unreliable form of communication and I should not trust it. It is just a game and I can walk away from it (if I keep telling myself this and it might actually become true). The irony of my posting this via my blog is not lost on me.

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