Thursday, October 25, 2007


A day of chores. Went to the dump with plastic bottles, printer cartridge, some clothes and a lightbulb - all for recycling. Felt so good about myself that Eva and I went to Westbury-on Trym to eat toasted teacakes (it is becoming an obsession of ours to find the perfect teacakes and there is a great cafe in Westbury that sells very big ones that they cook in a muffin press and they serve them with big portions of butter which you are allowed to spread yourself. The tea is very good as well, it is made with tea leaves which are brewed in a special cup and you are given a 3 minute timer so it brewed to perfection; but Eva has tap water). We also went to explore the charity shops - I got 2 books and a pot (for potpori), Eva got a spinning top and a pair of jeans.

We then went to Cribs to look at macbooks in John Lewis. am thinking of getting one and they do 2 year warranties on electrical products as standard so it was worth looking. the jury is still out on the whole project. I am scared to spend the money even though I have saved up and my Mum says she'll help me out (as a 40th birthday pressie). Now the leopard opertating system has come out (actually it is launched tomorrow) I think I might wait just a bit longer and see what happens (3 weeks might do it - just in time for my birthday).

Having got Mark (who has got a nasty cold) from work at 3pm we went to Sainsburys for supplies, came home read magazines and chilled out. I ate too much popcorn and watched TV. Mark retired to bed early with his sore head. I think I might try to do some college work tomorrow but I might have to wait and see how Mark feels - if he is to ill the is no point in me leaving him on his own with Eva.

So, that's another holiday day done. I am starting to relax but it is nearly over. We are off to Liverpool on Sunday for a few days. Sort some things out: see Sara about my PhD draft (might call it my daft PhD now!), see a school for Eva, me go to visit the curacy parish and go to the lantern carnival. I just hope I don't get Mark's cold.

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