Sunday, July 01, 2007

future of bold street

following my posting about Bold Street the other day you might be interested in a short film posted on the bold street blog about the future of Bold Street.

and an interesting new film by Kim Ryan. 'The Bolder They Walk' is a film set on Bold Street featuring Chris Bernard and Alex Cox, dressed as clergymen, who discuss art, culture and society as they take a walk along Bold Street. I wonder if them being dressed as clergymen is to critique religion or to provoke response in the passers by as they walk along Bold Street. I suspect it has something to do with their personal politics. They do discuss their faith at the end of the video. Very interesting take on folk religion, faith hope and love. I know John Davies walks down Bold Street, because he buys books from News From Nowhere - and he is a 'real' vicar. These two 'just like the costumes'.

Really missing home today. But not knowing when I can get back to visit. Hey ho.

1 comment:

John Davies said...

Yes, I usually walk down Bold Street dressed as a filmmaker. I somehow suspect (and certainly hope) that there's sufficient life (an geographical cache - it being near the student/arts end of town) in Bold Street to keep it going long after the cold calculated steel consumer palaces are up and running riverside.