Friday, June 15, 2007

bold street

You may remember my posting a while back about my broken bra - You will also remember that I usually buy my bras from Madam Foner's lingerie shop on Bold Street, Liverpool. As we are poor and I can't be bothered to forge a new relationship with another bra shop I am trying not buying new bras until I return to Liverpool.

Anyway, Bold street has so much more to offer than just a bra shop. It is one of my favourite streets in the world. I tend to park at the top and walk down into town, on my way back I pop into Coffee Union. If I were in Liverpool today I would buy some hair dye from Voodoo Hair, a religious book from the Pauline bookshop, a nice bottle of white wine from Odbins, some special food (I need noodles and halva) from Mattas, veg from 'veggie heaven' (not its official name) and I am sure I would while away a bit more time browsing in all the other shops. I would probably call Andrea, or Kate or Andy and arrange to meet them in Coffee Union. I would probably meet Frank Miles walking up Bold Street and say hello to lots of other people too.

I might have to go home for a weekend soon.

Those of you who care in such things might be interested in a new website and blog - the Bold Street Project . The photo here is from the boldstreet's photos on flickr.

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