Sunday, March 25, 2007

heaven and earth

Today has been a day of lost hours and confusion. I got confused over British Summer Time - the last time I got confused and forgot to sort the clocks out was in 1992 - when I lived in Toxteth and was an hour late for St Philemons Church. Today was the 2nd time ever I made this mistake. I turned up to Cotham Church at 10.05am (I was going to be late anyway - Eva had decided at the last minute that she wanted to take a cucumber sandwich which put us back 5 mins). When I realised my mistake I could have turned back and saved myself the embarrassment but having got there I decided to brazen it out. I am not going to be able to be at Cotham for Easter (because of the Hardwicke mission) so this week was the last week for at least 3 that I will be there. I wanted to say hello etc etc.

Because I messed up with the clocks I did get to see Si Johnson on the Heaven and Earth Show on the BBC. He spoke brilliantly about the Protest4 / Truth isn't Sexy campaign. He even got to speak about the Gospel. Good on yer Si. This campaign needs all of our support so please do join this protest against sex trafficking. All this lament about the end of Slavery 200 years ago will mean nothing if we don't do something about our current injustices.


Anonymous said...

thanks for the compliment Ellen. It seemed to go well so am thankful for the opportunity.

John H said...

I tend to get confused by the clocks everytime they changed. A few years ago when I went to church in the morning I could pretty much be guaranteed to arrive an hour early or an hour late for church, depending on which way they were going.

I'm a bit better now because I have a bedside clock-radio that syncs to the time signal, so it changes itself. Then when I go downstairs and see that the clock there says a different time I am only confused for 30 minutes or so before it twigs that the clocks have changed.

Of course, now I only going to church in the evenings, which is also helpful. Even if I fail to look at the bedroom clock before shambling downstairs in a bleary-eyed semi-comatose state, there's a reasonable chance I'll have figured it out by the evening ;)