Monday, April 16, 2007


Pink - getting the party started

Today I am really going to press on with my PhD. I have no excuses - Mark is away, Eva is happy with Nanny, I have no shopping to do, the house is clean, after I have written this there is no need to blog, I have caught up with my emails, I had a good night's sleep, the dog in the next garden is NOT barking (for once), the cat is back (he didn't come home last night!), I have done my daily prayers and sorted the bits and bobs. Got to make on phone call to Stuart R to remind him about the armour of God and print off one document for Trinity work but all in all now is the time to get this party started (Sorry Pink - I know that using this lyric in this context offers a trite anti-thesis to your intention but I have to keep optimistic or I will go under).


St. Claire of Toxteth said...

Alans birthing tape for Liz had pinks get the party started on it too!

Ellen Loudon said...

how and why do you know that? you freak me out...

St. Claire of Toxteth said...

I freak myself out sometimes.