Monday, September 25, 2006

'It’s wrong but it’s right'

Lighter Fluid's Street Love (see posting 9/09/2006) is still haunting me (in more ways than one) but it got me thinking about stuff that could be described as 'it's wrong but it's right'. So, in a regular column I shall (for the sake of thinking of any other title) call 'it's wrong but it's right' my first thing is:
Avocado dishes in the shape of half an avocado (preferably glass - as pictured)


St. Claire of Toxteth said...

I think Flavoured Water. It's just not 100% right. Why not have juice? what i find most disturbing about it is the way that it shocks you when it hit's your throat. You suprised by just how weak it is and it doesn't matter what flavour you purchase you can alwalys always taste orange and pineapple. Plus it has an aftertaste of sick in your mouth. Am not just on about the volvic brand but all brands.Blackberry is best but very scarce. It's just not right i tell you!

St. Claire of Toxteth said...


Crocs shoes look awful in soo many ways and just do not look right in the slightest. it looks like you have a boat attached to your feet but once you slip your sock of and put your foot in them - 100% so right!! - they are just meant to be and the oh so right factor starts to take over and you imagine that they will look ok with your jeans.
The same about Jazzy pants a la greenbelt. They do look slighty funny (some are really great though- especially black and purple) but once you put them on they are fantastic. They are for life not just for festivals.
I take it all back - am not putting Jazzy pants in ''it's wrong but it's right'' they are sooo right and i really really love them.

Ellen Loudon said...

I agree that flavoured water is wrong but what makes it right?
You know my views on Jazzy pants (so wrong they can never be right) and croc shoes are wrong in every way (including the obvious pain they inflict on crocs).xxxx

charity said...

Air Freshener.
Outdoor heaters.
Just say these words over and over .... both wrong but right, mostly wrong, but a little right.

St. Claire of Toxteth said...

Being in your twenties and your mother buying your underwear! soooooooooooo wrong. It been happening a lot recently and apparently my chest has stayed the same size since christmas 1996.