Saturday, July 18, 2009

Guerrilla Worship - Crosby Beach Labyrinth

Mid-day prayers were very blowy today as I popped over to Crosby Beach to walk the Dream prayer Labyrinth. The wind was ferocious but I put my hood up and walked and prayed - actually the wind helped me focus and blocked out pretty much all other sound as I stepped gently round the Labyrinth. A much needed blowing out of the cobwebs! So, thanks Dream.

Mark and Eva fancied fish and chips (I had chips and steak and kidney pudding). Then off to St Margaret's church summer fair...which interestingly seemed to have attracted most of my congregation (we are neighbouring parishes so this is to be expected). So, I sat and chatted to people, spent money on bits and bobs that you can only buy at summer fairs (???!!!) and Eva won the big raffle prize - so we are all happy!

I have preparation for tomorrow's morning service (though no sermon to write) so I am at my desk doing stuff. And I feel really quite tired.

I have a surprisingly large amount of sand in my hair...

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