Well, actually it is old hair newly styled. Charity and I played hairdressers again on Monday and this was the result. It was an attempt to deal with the 2 weeks of being a ginger that had preceded. The original plan was to do more colouring and to add a red layer to the hair do. However, in order to remove the afore mentioned 'ginger do' we had to leave the peroxide on for a long time. Too long. My head was very sore. So, we decided it was probably best to not take the further step of going rock-star red. I myself am pleased with the result. Hope you like it too.
ps I am not gingerphobic it was just that it isn't for me. Some of my best friends are ginger.
Am not sure? it quite bright?
I am more suprised by the length it has grown! i would tint the ends red or pink!
Arrrgh, my eyes!!! No very nice really...
Ellen, it's great! Enjoy it for a while... have a look at my friend Lorna's blog (Lorna's Thunks) as she's recently gone hair-crazy and found it truly liberating.
I too have experienced the pain of lingering bleach on the scalp.. ouch. It's a good look though; bright like you ;)
And by all means add me to both blogrolls!
He he he, looks fabulous! I love white blonde hair.
My bleach was on too long too and I got a nasty burnt scalp. I'm a little nervous of touching up my roots now!
Can't wait to see it when you've added the red. Have you thought of bright and colourful hairpeices to change your look in an instant?
I seen an advert for Barry manilows new xmas album and that photograph of you and your new hair looks familiar........
I am starting to like my 'new friends' more than my old ones. They are nicer to me and do not imply I look like Barry Manilow. Shame on you st claire!xxxx
It is one step up than when you looked like Jamie Oliver in his fat suit! he he.. that still makes me laugh cos you had the same shirt too! he he ... Sorry!
It was great though! love you loads Bazza! xx
you are skating on very thin ice young lady!
Well it's a good job you have your 'new friends' shoulders to cry on when your old friends push you too far!! x
I am the only one that thinks Ellen looks like she might be amember of the X-men in this picture?
That is soo true! wolferine!
i think i am in her bad books for earlier postings so maybe not wolferine erm erm... that one that Halle Berry plays!
Why am i posting as anonymous!
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