Thursday, November 23, 2006

I am a little bit of a heretic

Adam and I have have had a little go at this quiz and it turns out that I am a little bit of a heretic. Adam on the other hand has pure doctrine.
I was:
You are Chalcedon compliant. Congratulations, you're not a heretic. You believe that Jesus is truly God and truly man and like us in every respect, apart from sin. Officially approved in 451.
Chalcedon compliant 83%
Monarchianism 67%
Modalism 67%
Socinianism 50%
Pelagianism 33%
Monophysitism 25%
Adoptionist 17%
Arianism 0%
Apollanarian 0%
Docetism 0%
Donatism 0%
Nestorianism 0%
Gnosticism 0%
Albigensianism 0%


Anonymous said...

Tried the quiz, only kept getting the message "Too many connections" when I clicked on it. Is this a comment on my life, or my internet connection, or my state of mind...

Ellen Loudon said...

Helen, it did that for me as well. Either there are too many people logged onto the site or they have gone out of business!