Tuesday, February 19, 2008


up early - toast and tea in bed - prayer - on macbook by 9.30am - essay draft 1 done by 12.30pm - read and disappointed - rework essay - essay draft 2 done by 2.30pm - Mark takes me out for lunch (Burger at Rocotillos which was not very good, not up to its usual standards and let me feeling a tad queezy) - visit to the Museum to see the Love exhibition which is on tour from the national gallery - back to work - draft 3 done by 6pm - phone Eva and my Mum (all is well) - wrote a first draft of a sermon for Mothering Sunday which has been brewing for a few weeks - I think it might be what God wants me to say (going to test it for a few days and see what happens) - supper at 9pm - watched TV for a while and now off to bed to read Heat.

A busy and productive day. But so much more to do before Eva comes back on Thursday evening.

night night.

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